Phase 3 ruby/react dog deeds app

Cory ONeill
1 min readSep 5, 2021

Hello everyone, I have reached the final project for phase 3 of my coding boot camp. This project requires that we have a backend server that is handled by ruby and front end user interface made with react. Our project also requires 3/4 CRUD operations. CRUD stands for create, read, update and delete. CRUD is used in many programs for instance in a rpg gaming app, you could create a character, read information on that character, update how that character looks, or delete that character. So these operations are pretty standard but very important understand how they work as a developer.

The project I created has the ability to create a dog, read a list of dogs and their activities also the option to delete a dog from the list. At its current point it is very basic with no styling, but the functionality is the important part to focus on. This was the biggest project I have worked on so far. It was intimidating at first, but you get things done one step at a time and you can start having fun with it. You start playing around with the code and dream up new features you can make in the future. I learned a lot from this project and I look forward to my next challenge.

