First Project for coding boot camp phase 1 my struggles and successes

Cory ONeill
2 min readJun 29, 2021

First step knowing the requirements.

  1. Fetch information from an API
  2. Entire project must run on a single page with no redirects
  3. Have at least three add event listeners on the page

I had trouble trying to figure out what I wanted to build for my first project, in the end I chose to make a pokedex using the Pokémon api. This was challenging and fun, as a kid I collected all the original Pokémon cards and played the video games, so I already had a familiarity with the information I was working with. My first challenge was to grab all the original 151 Pokémon from the api and then place each Pokémon in their own container/card. I was able to grab all the info, but was not able to display the information for each Pokémon in their own individual card. Being unsuccessful at these attempts I decided to take the project in a different direction.

Instead I made four individual fetch requests, each request for a singular Pokémon each time. Doing it this way I could put each Pokémon on their own card. This was actually a fun way to write the code. I was catching a Pokémon by making a fetch request through the api, then taking that data and placing it into a card, like storing Pokémon in a pokeball and when the page runs you can uncover that Pokémon's information like a pokedex . Writing code for each Pokémon was a repetitive process, but doing it this way helped me gain a deeper understanding of what my code is saying. All the info is presented on one page and my add event listeners for this project are a mouseover, a mouseleave, and two different click events. While building the project I became very familiar with console.log() and using debugger. These are very valuable tools that reveal what's happening with the code under the hood. If you learn the concepts and the terminology, finding the answers you need will be much easier. Once the project was built I kept updating in places where I could, using all the skills I had acquired over the past month. I'm very proud of all the work I put into this project. It is my first project so its nothing pretty, but I look forward to looking at it later down the line to see how far I've come.

