Cory Stories Why I decided to become a software developer

Cory ONeill
1 min readJun 16, 2021

As a child I always had a fascination with technology. Computers and video games could always grab my attention in a way that school never could. Financially, going to college was not really an option for me, so a career in software development always seemed like an unattainable dream. After spending the the majority of my life working in the pest control industry, I began to feel an call for more personally fulfilling work. Thanks to the wonders of the world wide web, I was able to freely learn enough about programming to get me started with the basics and realize that this is something I am passionate about. This has brought me here, writing my first blog post. I’ve left my previous career in the pest control industry to look for and fix bug issues as a software developer. Honestly, I am just glad that I have found a career that I am excited about. My journey is just beginning and I am looking forward to continuing my education in the software engineering industry.

